Jumat, 30 November 2018

The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference

By Irene Shonle, CSU Extension in Gilpin County
Native plants are some of the easiest plants to grow if you are a mountain gardener.  As I have been gardening up here for nearly twenty years, I have experimented with a lot of plants.  Some have done great, and some have died.  But, as I always say, “if you’re not killing plants, you’re not trying hard enough.”

Because I am a rather Darwinian gardener, I don’t coddle the plants in my garden. They have to make it despite drought, critters, winds, and long winters.  As a result, many of the non-native species have been weeded out.  Over the years, I have ended up with going from about 25% native to probably about 80% native.  And I couldn’t be happier.
If you are interested in native plants, please come to the 4th Annual Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference on February 16th at the Auraria Campus in Denver.

The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference promotes the inclusion of native plants in our landscaping to benefit pollinators and songbirds, save water, and restore the beauty and health of nature in the places we live, work and play.

There are many delightful topics to pique your interest, including a keynote and endcap, and two tracks (‘new to natives’ and ‘knows the natives’).

Keynote: The Meeting Place: Exploring the work of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center by Andrea DeLong-Amaya
“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing that all of us share.” — Lady Bird Johnson, Environmental First Lady
The University of Texas at Austin Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is the State Botanic Garden and Arboretum of Texas dedicated to inspiring the conservation of native plants. The Center’s gardens and arboretum display native plants from across Texas and serve as a model for creating beautiful, sustainable landscapes. The Center guides the development of urban and rural landscapes across the U.S. that incorporate native prairies, green roofs, rainwater harvesting and other sustainable features. It operates Native Plants of North America, the most comprehensive online native plant resource, and has set aside millions of seeds from Texas native plants for future generations and restoration activities.

In addition to educating children and adults about native plants and training citizen scientists to identify and report invasive species, the Center led the development of SITES®, a sustainable landscape rating system now used worldwide. Join Andrea DeLong-Amaya, director of horticulture at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center for a virtual tour of how the Wildflower Center works to improve water quality, provide habitat for wildlife and enhance human health and happiness. Together we can make the world a better place with native plants
Breakout Session 1
§  New to Natives Track: Plant It and They Will Come: Habitat Gardening by Susan Tweit
§  In a world of climate change, droughts, heat waves, and imperiled populations of songbirds and pollinators, what can home gardeners do to make a positive difference? Plant habitat! Gardens that mimic the form and composition of nearby natural areas, and are based on native and regionally adapted species will attract and sustain songbirds and pollinators, and make a crucial difference in restoring nature in our everyday spaces. As Habitat Hero program founder Connie Holsinger likes to say, “Plant it, and they will come.” Join plant ecologist and writer Susan J. Tweit to explore how a habitat garden can fit into your landscaping, and learn what plants to use, plus design basics to draw on whatever your style or location.
§  Knows the Natives Track: Historic Uses of Colorado Native Plants by Jim Tolstrup
§  For Native Americans and early pioneers, Colorado’s native plants served as grocery store and pharmacy, and also supplied fibers and dyes. Understanding these historic relationships helps deepen our understanding of both plants and people. Join Jim Tolstrup to learn more about cultural uses of native plants, as well as how to cultivate these unique species in your yards and gardens.

Breakout Session 2
§  New to Natives Track: Integrating Native Plants to Your Existing Landscape by Ronda Koski
§  By now you are thinking that embellishment of an existing residential, commercial, or municipal landscape with Colorado native plants is the “right thing” to do. Perhaps you have your retrofitted landscape all planned in your mind and may even have drawn it out on paper. But how does one turn those ideas into reality? This session will provide you with suggestions to help you be more successful with the integration of Colorado native plants into an existing landscape.
§  Knows the Natives Track: Penstemons for Colorado Gardens by Mike Kintgen
§  Mike Kintgen is the Curator of Alpine Collections at the Denver Botanic Gardens where he oversees the Alpine Collection and eight gardens including the Rock Alpine Garden, Mount Goliath and South African Plaza. The drive to see alpines in their native environments has allowed him to observe alpines in Alaska, Hawaii, Argentina, Morocco, Spain, the Alps, and throughout the American West. Recently he completed a master’s in environmental science at Regis University exploring precipitation gradients and soil pH in Colorado’s alpine tundra. He is a coauthor of several books published by Denver Botanic Gardens.
§  With over 250 species the genus Penstemon is found in almost every environment in Colorado and Western North America. Most of the Colorado and the surrounding regions species can be grown in gardens and make excellent additions to Xeric, Native, and Rock gardens. We will cover some of the best species for Colorado gardens and some helpful hints to grow them in your gardens.

Breakout Session 3
§  New to Natives Track: Plant This, Not That: Colorado Native Plant Alternatives to Common Garden Plants by Deryn Davidson
§  Now that you know the benefits of using Colorado native plants in your landscape, how do you choose which ones to use? Selecting Colorado native plants can be challenging for gardeners because they are not familiar with their ornamental characteristics. Therefore, this session will list well-known non-native plants and then feature ideal Colorado native alternatives.
§  Knows the Natives Track: Native Grasses by Nick Daniel
§  Nick will give an overview of some well-known, and some not so well-known native grasses with horticultural importance. Using native grasses in your landscape is just as important as any other flowering plant in terms of water saving, wildlife value, and aesthetic. Cultural information and design considerations will be the focus of this presentation.

Breakout Session 4
§  New to Natives Track: Native Plants for Year-Round Interest by Irene Shonle
§  Native plants can provide interest all year round, even in winter. We will look at plants that shine in each season, and discuss many winning plant combinations as well.
§  Knows the Natives Track: Colorado Native Plants on Green Roofs? by Jennifer Bousselot
§  Colorado’s rich native flora provides a proverbial feast for green roof enthusiasts worldwide. The City of Denver has recently passed one of the most aggressive green roof initiatives in the world. You too can have a green roof – on your home or simply a birdhouse green roof. Explore the emerging topic of using native plants on green roofs with one of the worlds few green roof plant experts.

Closing Endnote: The Nature of Colorado’s Native Plant Industry: Unveiling the Mysteries Behind Supply, Demand and Selection by Pat Hayward
If the nursery industry was like manufacturing, we’d always have a good supply of the species we need; if plants were more like widgets. they’d be consistent in form and size. If our natural world was a controlled biodome, everything would grow beautifully and without losses or failures. In Colorado, however, our horticultural world is dynamic and unpredictable, making our gardening lives more “interesting,” and causing increasing challenges to our native plant industry.

In this session you’ll learn about native plant production, gain insights into demand dynamics and discover how new native plant selections come to market. What new techniques are growers using? How is consumer demand for natives changing? And why-oh-why can’t we ever get enough of the new varieties?

Hope to see you there!

Jumat, 16 November 2018

Simple Composting

by Yvette Henson
I love compost!  There is nothing that I can think of that is more beneficial for soil.  And, we all know that the secret to great gardens is the soil.  While it is more difficult to compost in the mountains, it can be done.  The most common frustrations are that it breaks down more slowly in our cooler summers and it often attracts critters like bears and skunks!  However, once you have successfully made your own compost, added it to your soil and seen your plants response you will know it is worth the extra management to speed up the composting process.  If you still find it too problematic outdoors, you can build a worm-bin or some other indoor composting system. Or once you are a “true believer”, like me, you will do both!

A 3-bin composting system
Compost has many benefits.  It increases water-holding capacity of sandy soils and improves drainage of heavy (clay) soils.  It also decreases the amount of shrink-swell of clay soils.  It improves soil aeration, infiltration, tilth and structure and reduces soil compaction and water runoff.  It increases soil biota and decreases disease and insect problems.  It improves soil fertility and moderates pH.  Composting reduces the amount of waste going into our landfills.

There are also a few potential environmental risks from the composting process and overusing compost.  Unfinished or immature compost may have phytotoxins that can kill plants.  Applying too much over time can build up toxicity of certain nutrients (especially Phosphorous) in the soil.  Leachates from compost can contaminate surface water or ground water if located too close to water sources.  Odor from improper composting is the most common complaint.

Steps for simple composting:
·         Locate to get around 6 hours of sunlight a day, but some shade will keep it moist. 
·         Use an ‘ideal’ ratio of 25-30:1 carbon to nitrogen when building your pile. 
o   Carbon is dry, brown or yellow, bulky material like autumn leaves, bark, paper, wood and sawdust.  Carbon gives energy to microorganisms but too much will slow decomposition.  Nitrogen is green, moist material like grass clippings, food wastes (including coffee and tea grounds) and fresh animal manures. 
o   Nitrogen increases microorganism populations. Nitrogen materials have high moisture and low oxygen, so too much leads to low temperatures, odor and leaching. 

Nitrogen sources to layer with dried leaves,
a carbon source, to build compost pile
·         Layer your carbon and nitrogen in equal, shallow layers.  Top with a thin layer of soil or well-composted manure if desired.  Variety is the key!
·         Build your pile to at least 4-6’ high and wider.
·         Keep moist-- like a damp sponge. If it isn’t moist enough it will break down slowly.  If it is too moist it will not have enough oxygen.
·         Keep well-drained and aerated.   If your pile doesn’t get enough oxygen it will have an odor and it will break down more slowly. 
·         The best temperature range for microorganisms to do the breakdown process is 90° - 140° F.  Too cool slows decomposition; too hot kills beneficial microorganisms (but also weed seeds).
·         Turning the pile speeds up decomposition (see the following graph).
Graph from Cornell Composting Fact Sheet #5
·         You will know your compost is finished when it maintains 70 degrees and larger pieces of what you have added have ‘disappeared’.  Chunky carbon like small branches, seeds and egg shells can be screened out.  
·        Apply your compost an inch or 2 deep and work into the top 8-12” of your garden soil before planting or apply a thin layer as mulch on your perennial plantings

What about those pesky critters?
Personally, I’ve never had much problem with critters in my piles because I don’t add fruit, meat, grease or cooked food.  I save fruit for the worm bin.  I always cover my nitrogen materials, after adding them with a layer of carbon (bagged leaves or spent straw are what I usually have on hand).  Other things that might discourage critters:  use ‘bear proof’ containers for composting, electrify your compost perimeter, use repellents (hot pepper spray, etc.) and again, be sure to avoid adding meat, fish, oil, grease or dairy products and maybe egg shells.  Not adding fruit or burying it deeply in the pile is something to try too.

Jumat, 09 November 2018

Mountain Vegetable Gardening

By Ginger Baer
Every well-seasoned gardener knows that each new year is different from the last.  From variations in temperatures, to variations in moisture, wind, pests, to the variety of plants one can potentially grow.  For the non-seasoned gardener, take heart!  Every year has a new challenge, but isn’t it the challenge that keeps many of us going?

Troughs used in Community Garden
I grow at 9000’ in the Gilpin County Community Garden. As if the altitude alone is not enough of a challenge, in the growing year 2017 we had the added challenge of combating a large influx of Golden Mantled Ground Squirrels and a multitude of pocket gophers. In an effort to improve our plots in the community garden, the CSU Extension office in Gilpin County purchased some metal water troughs. These created a barrier the critters could not dig into, nor climb. And the troughs, measuring 10’ x 3’ x 2’, gave our seniors raised beds in which to garden.  Something that my knees appreciated!

As added protection for the raised bed, I also used a floating row cover.  This protected the plants from possible frost, winds and beating sun.  I made sure to keep a portion of the cover open to allow pollinators to get in. They obviously did their job as I did have a mostly successful harvest.

Since our growing season is so short (maybe 90 days if we are lucky) the common practice is to grow cold weather vegetables. Peas, greens, carrots, broccoli, radishes, turnips and such do very well.  Often a second planting of greens can produce a late season crop. It is recommended to select varieties that have the shortest number of days to maturity.

Not to be deterred by conventional wisdom, I just had to try to grow some warmer season crops.  I opted to grow summer squash, cucumbers, onions and green beans. Here is a list of what I grew (or attempted to grow) and my notes about each.

Radish French Breakfast- I love this one! It is a long cylindrical shaped radish with great spicy flavor. I will do this one again next year. I also was able to successfully plant and harvest several crops of this as it is quick to mature.

Carrot Little Finger- This is a crisp and sweet carrot. I was able to grow many up to 6' long. I think this can be attributed to growing in the trough garden.

Arugula Rocket Salad, Roquette- I love this one! Very quick to germinate and a wonderful spicy flavor. I got a successive harvest late in the season. I will do this one again.

Lettuce Salad Bowl Red, heirloom- Bright red, deeply lobed leaves with a smooth silky texture. This grew well all season without bolting. I will do this one again.

Spinach Palco Hybrid- This is a favorite variety of mine. I have had success with this one for a few years. The leaves can grow quite large, but stay tender and the ribs are even edible with a nice crunch. Very slow to bolt. I will do this one again.

Peas Sugar Ann, Snap- This is a "bush" pea that grew to about 3 ' tall. It really did not require support as I grew the plants close together so that they would support one another. My only error was growing it too close to other vegetable because the peas flopped over on top of the other things. I will grow it again, but will be more mindful of what is growing nearby. A prolific producer.

Summer Squash Grey Griller- Wow! This is a really great squash. It will give you zucchini like fruit within about 50-60 days. Large variegated leaves give the plant some interest as well. I will do this one again but do not need to have 4 plants, 2 will be enough. They took up about 25% of my trough and over produced for me. You know, close your car windows or you will get some squash from me!

Cucumber Lemon- This was what I would call a short season variety (70 days) but it did not do well for me. I only got 2 very small cucumbers from this. It could, in part, be from the squash overwhelming it, but also not suited to altitude in my experience. I also grew 1 plant in a pot on my deck and did not get but 1 cucumber to set. Some vegetables need warmer night time temperatures than what we have, and I believe that may be the case with this one.

Green Beans Denver: French/Filet- This is a lovely, slim bean that matures in about 66 days. I don't think I will do this one again though as it was slow to germinate and about the time we started getting frost only about 30% of the blossoms produced beans. They are tender and tasty, just not worth the space in my opinion.

Onion Mix: Red, White, Yellow- These were purchased randomly through the internet. I did not know if they were short day, long day or day neutral. I took a chance and planted approximately 60 sets. I feel this was a success because I was able to harvest some through the season to use as green onions for salads and then I did have a nice harvest at the end of the season of moderately sized and very flavorful onions.

In addition to growing my vegetables in the trough in the community garden I decided to give the pollinators somethings to thrive on.  In the ground next to the trough I planted Sunflowers: Florist’s Sunny Bouquet and some Cosmos. Both flowers did well at altitude and were loaded with pollinators once they started to bloom.

In another couple of months, the seed catalogs will be starting to arrive. I need to see about trying some new things, along with the tried and true.  I only hope that I have enough space to grow in, or else I may need to get a second trough!
Thank you, CSU Extension Gilpin County, for getting those troughs. They were a definite success!

Rabu, 07 November 2018

Menanam Terong Belanda Yang Benar dan Berhasil

Terung belanda akhir akhir ini tenar di kalangan petani indonesia. Banyak yang beralih dari menanam cabe ke terung belanda ini. Karena terong belanda mempunyai harga jual yang tinggi di banding cabai atau pun tomat. silahkan baca : Tips Sukses Memerangi Hama dan Virus Tanaman Terong Belanda

Menanam Terong Belanda Yang Benar dan Berhasil

Untuk menanam terung belanda bisa di bilang gampang-gampang susah. Dalam proses penanaman anda harus mengetahui berbagai macam teknik penaman, bibit yang baik, dan lainya. Namun tenang saja, kami akan memandu anda bagaimana cara menanam terong belanda dengan benar. Ikuti step by step pembahasan yang akan kami jabarkan di bagian selanjutnya.

Kriteria Penanaman Terong Belanda
  • Di usahakan menanam terong belanda di dataran yang mempunyai ketinggian lebih dari 1200 mdpl
  • Sebaiknya menggunakan tanah yang subur dan gembur
  • Unsur tanah yang di gunakan banyak mengandung unsur organik
  • Memiliki kisaran suhu 22 hingga 20 C
  • Kandungan pH tanah antara 5 – 6
  • Pencahayaan matahari yang cukup
  • Ketika musim kemarau tanah tidak kekeringan
Tahap Pembenihan dan Persemaian Terong Belanda

Sebelum menanam terong belanda, proses yang harus di lakukan terlebih dahulu adalah penyemaian bibit terong menggunakan bedangan. Dalam satu hektar memerlukan 500 gram bibit biji terung belanda. Proses penyemaian memerlukan waktu kira-kira 1.5 bulan hingga munculnya daun kecil. Setelah terdapat daun pada bibit terung maka siap di pindahkan ke lahan tanam.


  • Setelah tahap pembenihan dan persemaian selesai, kini selanjutnya ke tahap penanaman bibit yang sudah mempunyai daun ke lahan tanam. Namun sebelum di lakukan penanaman kita harus mempersiapkan lahan tanam terlebih dahulu. Berikut langkah-langkah dalam mempersiapkan lahan tanam untuk menanam terung belanda :
  • Tahap yang pertama adalah dengan membuat bedengan dengan lebar kira-kira 1.2 cm hingga 1.4 cm dan panjang yang di sesuaikan.
  • Selanjutnya buat lubang dengan jarak tanam sekitar 60 cm.
  • sedangkan jarak setiap bedengan adalah 70 hingga 80 cm.
  • lalu buatlah parit pada bedengan dengan tujuan untuk jalanya air pada saat proses penyiraman.
  • Sebelum di lakukan penanaman, di usahakan tanah telah di campuri pupuk kompos dan juga pupuk anorganik.
  • Selanjutnya tanamlah bibit terung yang sudah mempunyai daun ke dalam tanah yang sudah di campuri pupuk kompos maupun anorganik
  • sebaiknya proses penanaman di lakukan pada sore hari

  • Setela proses penanaman selesai kini di lanjutkan dengan proses pemeliharaan. Berikut tata cara pemeliharaan tanaman terong belanda :
  • Siramlah tanaman terung 3 hari sekali hingga berbunga secara rutin
  • Ketika bunga sudah tumbuh, durasi penyiraman pun di tambah menjadi 2 hari sekali penyiraman secara rutin
  • Lakukan pupuk tingkat I dengan menggunakan pupuk tingkat dasar pada saat berusia 7 hingga 14 hari setelah penanaman
  • Lakukan pupuk tingkat II pada saat sudah berbunga dengan takaran tertentu
Jenis pupuk yang di gunakan dalam pemeliharan terung belanda adala sebagai berikut:
  • Pupuk kandang
  • Pupuk urea
  • Pupuk Tsp
  • pupuk Kcl

1. Hama Aphis / Kutu Daun

Hama apis atau serangan kutu daun ini menyebabkan bercak pada daun tanaman terung sehingga daun menguning dan kering. Untuk cara mengatasi hama ini bisa di lakukan dengan teknik Bayrusi 125 EC dan Basudin 40 Wp.

2. Pembusukan Akar

Pembusukan akar ini disebabkan oleh Cendawan Yerticilium ang menyerang pembulu jaringan tanaman hingga ke akar. Penyakit ini juda menyebabkan daun menguning dan kering. Penyakit tanaman terong belanda ini dapat di atasai dengan Dithane mM-45 antara 0.2% hingga 0.3%.

3. Karat Pada Daun

Tanaman terung belanda terserang penyakit ini di tandai dengan bercak kuning pada daun dan kanker pada daun. Karat pada daun di sebabakan ole Phomopsis Vexan. Samapi saat ini belum ada teknik atau cara penanganan penyakit karat pada daun.
Tahap Pemanenan Terong Belanda

Idealnya terong belanda bisa di panen ketika sudah berusia 4 bulan. Satu tanaman terong bisa di panen 6 hingga 7 kali. Untuk menghindari kerusakan pada proses pemanenan sebaiknya pengambilan terong di lakukan dengan cara pengguntingan atau pemetikan pada bagian tangkai tanaman terong belanda.

Senin, 05 November 2018

Tips Sukses Memerangi Hama dan Virus Tanaman Terong Belanda

Wajah Japantas Damanik, riang bukan kepalang. Itu karena ia mampu memanen terong Belanda yang ditanamnya di atas lahan seluas 15 rante. Kegembiraan terpancar ketika petani lain harus pasrah membiarkan tanamannya rusak, seperti terong Belanda, jeruk atau cabai terserang penyakit layu bakteri, busuk akar, tanaman kerdil tak menghasilkan. Dalam kondisi ini Japantas mampu mengatasinya.

Ketika Analisa menyambanginya di kebunnya, Desa Dolok Tolong Kecamatan Tanjung Beringin, Kabupaten Dairi beberapa waktu lalu, pria yang lebih suka disebut sebagai pengamat hama penyakit tanaman ini, justru memanfaatkan tantangan ini sebagai peluang. Ketika buah-buah tertentu terserang virus dan hama penyakit, justru Japantas Damanik meneliti dan mencari akan masalahnya. Jika penyakit tanaman tersebut dapat diatasi, itu artinya upaya Japantas layak dibayar mahal, karena sesuai hukum permintaan ekonomi, bila barang sedikit, maka harga otomatis menjadi mahal.
Pada pertengahan tahun lalu, pria ramah dan murah senyum itu mengatakan untuk pertama kali panen, ia berhasil memetik1 ton terong Belanda.

“Saya menjualnya langsung ke ke supermarket di Medan dengan harga Rp. 12.000 s.d Rp. 15.000 per kilogram. Ketika selesai transaksi , pengusaha supermarket itu mengatakan, kalau masih ada barangnya, kami akan tampung lagi,” begitu kenang Japantas Damanik dengan riangnya. Hasil panen perdana itu ia membawa pulang puluhan juta rupiah.

Jumlah rupiah yang lumayan ini membuatnya bersemangat untuk memperluas areal tanaman terong Belanda. Meski bagi petani lain, membudidaya terong Belanda luar biasa ribetnya karena serangan hama dan virus.

“Saya menanam 1200 pokok dari biji yang saya semai sendiri. Dalam 10 bulan, pohon terong sudah bisa berproduksi, dengan rata-rata satu pohon bisa menghasilkan 12 kilogram buah,” paparnya.

Menurutnya, pada masa panen tanaman terong berusia 9 bulan, proses pemetikan dapat dilakukan 18 kali, karena tidak semua buah ranum sekaligus. Sedangkan hasil yang diperolehnya dari 1200 pokok tersebut pernah menghasilkan 1 ton buah terong.

Japantas mengatakan, buah yang kaya kandungan vitamin A dan C itu ada dua jenis, yakni varitas Taiwan dan lokal. Dia sendiri mengembangkan jenis Taiwan, karena kualitas buahnya lebih bagus dan besar, warnanya cerah, lebih kilat dan lebih digemari pasar. Sedangkan jenis lokal, banyak mengandung biji dan buahnya lebih kecil.

Tidak Mengenal Musim

Yang memotivasi Japantas membudidayakan buah terong Belanda karena, buah ini tidak mengenal musim. Kapan saja bisa berbuah dan dipanen asalkan perawatannya dilakukan dengan baik.

Begitupun, bukan berarti menanam buah ini tanpa tantangan. Apa rahasia Japantas Damanik sukses berkebun terong Belanda?

Saya memprotek hama penyakit yang masuk ke dalam areal tanaman terong dengan penangkal sistem “nano-nano (berbagai cara) dengan menanam bunga matahari, sedap malam dan bangun-bangun untuk menghalau hama. Sebelum hama wereng memasuki areal kebun, dengan proteksi tanaman pagar ini, maka hama tidak tidak sampai menyerang ke tanaman terong, tapi terputus di tanaman pagar “nano-nano” tadi.

Ia mengatakan, keluhan petani buah selama ini masih tetap dihantuivirus yang mengakibatkan tanaman kerdil, buah jarang, busuk akar. Akibatnya produktifitas buah merosot. Dan hal inilah yang dialami petani lainnya di beberapa daerah Kabupaten Dairi, khususnya tanaman jeruk dan terong Belanda.

Japantas juga mengatakan, jika keadaan tidak mendesak, ia tidak akan menggunakan pestisida untuk memerangi hama. Cara yang dilakukan di atas dengan sistem “nano-nano” tadi itu ternyata cukup ampuh menghalau hama tanaman di samping dia sendiri juga pecinta tanaman yang ramah lingkungan dengan menjauhi pupuk kimiawi.

Tidak Gunakan Pestisida

Mengapa tidak memilih pestisida? Damanik menjelaskan, umumnya pemakaian pestisida akan disertai dengan pemusnahan sebagian mikroorganisme yang menguntungkan. Jika pestisida yang digunakan adalah pestisida sintetik, maka nilai ke”organi”annya pun akan sirna. Selain itu, sering memakai pestisida yang tidak sesuai dengan anjuran pemakaian dapat mengakibatkan resistensi terhadap hama tersebut.

Sedangkan untuk memerangi virus, seperti busuk akar, kuning daun, jamur dan lainnya, Japantas menggunakan pupuk cair yang disebut enzim Fitofit.

“Terus terang, tanaman terong Belanda saya banyak dibantu dengan cairan enzim Fitofit, padahal saya hanya menyemprotkannya sebulan dua kali. Bila tanaman sudah diaplikasi Fitofit, meski musim kemarau tanaman tetap segar,” katanya.

Sementara pakar enzim DR.-Ing. Andy Wahab Sitepu, menjelaskan, Fitofit juga mampu membantu tumbuh-tumbuhan mengatur keseimbangan unsur hara yang dibutuhkannya dan menyerap/ memanfaatkan kelebihan pupuk yang menimbulkan kerusakan struktur tanah dan perakaran tanaman serta bahkan menyebabkan kematian tanaman.

Diakhir bincang-bincang dengan Japantas Damanik, ia mengatakan hama atau virus jangan ditakuti, tapi bagaimana kita “memeranginya”, dalam arti bukan membasmi hama dengan pestisida. Tapi dapat dilakukan dnegan aplikasi cairan aplikasi Fitofit, hal ini bukan membunuh virus, tapi menjinakkan virus dalam tanaman dan tanaman tetap selamat malah berkembang semakin baik.

“Ketika serangan penyakit tanaman terjadi, justru disana kita memetik hikmah, bagaimana menyembuhkan penyakit sehingga memperoleh keuntungan? Kalau misalnya tanaman sehat dan buahnya membanjiri pasaran, tapi harga sangat rendah, bukan tidak mungkin petani merugi. Justru kondisi seperti ini membuat petani menjadi serba salah. 
(Anthony Limtan di http://harian.analisadaily.com

Kamis, 01 November 2018

What Are Rutabagas?

Creamy mashed Rutabaga like my family makes
by Ed Powers
‘What are rutabagas?’ was the question I asked myself when introduced to this vegetable by my wife and in-laws.  They had a tradition of having rutabagas for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, a tradition brought over from England and Canada.  I must admit, I found rutabagas to be very good and we now have them every Holiday Season. It’s like having mashed potatoes, but they are rutabagas.  In Michigan, where we lived, rutabagas were easy to find (grown in Canada and shipped in).  Here in Colorado, not so much.  So, I had to do some research to see if I might be able to grow them at my altitude (7,600’).  When doing the research, I found some interesting information.

Rutabaga’s botanical name is Brassica napobrassica, and rutabagas are only called ‘rutabaga’ in the U.S. Throughout the rest of the world, they're known as swedes. This ordinary root vegetable is thought to have originated in Bohemia in the 17th century as a hybrid between a turnip and wild cabbage. It is a large, round, yellow-fleshed root that is eaten as a vegetable.  The earliest reference in print was from 1620 when it was noted that this vegetable could be found growing wild in Sweden.  Rutabagas first appeared in North America about 1817 where they were reportedly being grown in Illinois.

Turnips (Brassica rapa) are usually white or white/purple while rutabagas are usually yellowish and brown. Rutabagas are slightly sweeter tasting than turnips, and the most obvious visible difference between them is their size. Turnips for human consumption are harvested when small and tender. They tend to get woody when bigger. Turnips are also grown as a nutritious livestock feed. Rutabagas stay tender at larger sizes. Even though you might find some small ones, they are usually harvested at a larger size. So, the big yellowish ones are rutabagas, and the smaller white and purple ones are turnips.
Physical Difference between Turnip and Rutabaga
Difference between Turnips and Rutabagas

Rutabagas are also called Swede or Swedish turnips, yellow turnips, and "neeps." Many simply call them turnips. Best of all, turnips and rutabagas are easy to grow, and store, and are relatively pest-free.  Much of the crop's success depends on timing.

Rutabagas grown in raised gardens 
So, after finding this background information, I went on to learn how to grow them. What I needed to do is to sow a spring crop in early March 1/4 inch deep. Seeds may be broadcast and later thinned to three or four inches apart, or they can be planted in rows 18 or more inches apart. Give rutabaga plants six inches in which to grow.  I followed this planting routine for the first time in Colorado last spring.  Even though it was very dry this year I watered every other day.  The leaves grew huge and seem to cover the garden area.  I did not believe it was growing anything.  However, I harvested the second week in October and I had rutabagas anywhere from 3 to 6 inches.  So, we can grow them at our altitude!  We will be planting them again next year.

The spruceeats.com
Michigan State University
Pictures Courtesy of:
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